Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First day accomplished, minimal chocolate consumed.

I just wanted to establish what kind of carb lover I am. It's not a sugar thing. Sure, I have eaten things with sugar in 'em, and in my youth I was known to consume 2-3 Slurpees a day. But I've taken my coffee black for 15 years, dislike fudge because of the sugar content, drink one pop a week and am starting to find those a little too sweet for me. Energy drinks are right out. I love chocolate, but take it dark, I eat the 70% cocoa kind.

Potato chips, corn chips, pretzels. These are the things I can eat. Salty crunchies. The party-size bag of ripple chips? One sitting. Corn chips? Getteth me a vat of salsa, for I shall inhale them all. This is my weakness.

I'm not the girl you see with a bag of chips in her hands at all times. But good god, put a bowl out, and don't expect to see many of them. I am a carb-and-salt sucking vortex.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nothing But Flowers

This, one of my favourite Talking Heads songs, describes a man's difficulties adapting to The Revolution... no more strip malls, cloverleaf highway exchanges, no more chain restaurants, just agriculture and flowers.

My diet has to change. My activity level has to change. My belly is swollen out like I'm 5 months pregnant, but they took my uterus along with the cancer... I tried the Atkins type diet a few years ago, but it didn't last more thank a week. So why am I trying something even more extreme?

This diet seems to make sense to me. It's what our pre-agrarian ancestors ate. I'm not drinking the Kool-Ade (it was actually Freshie at Jonestown, but let's not get too persnickity), I'm trying it, and I'll see how it goes. I don't think it will solve every health problem I have, but I think it may help some. Allons-y!